Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting a Mortgage with credit card debt?

My credit score is about 605. I have several credit cards with balances near the limits (about $45k), but no other credit problems. My wife%26#039;s credit score is about 640, with little debt, but some delinquent accounts from a few years ago. If my wife got a personal loan for, say, half of my credit card debt, how long would it be before my credit score went up, and how much would it be likely to go up? We want to buy a house soon (next month or two); would it be better to apply for a mortgage now on my wife%26#039;s credit, or try to get my credit score up?

Getting a Mortgage with credit card debt?

You do not say what your monthly income is. Mortgage companies look to debt ratios to determine your ability to repay. Thus, you need to take your total monthly obligations and divide by your total monthly income in order to determine your debt ration. Include your prospective mortgage payement in this calculation.

Even if your debt ratio is too high, you should be able to purchase a house together. The way to do this is to have only your wife on the Note and both of you on the mortgage. This is not an uncommon occurrence and most mortgage companies will allow it. If yours doesn%26#039;t , shop around.

Good luck.

Getting a Mortgage with credit card debt?

You can visit and find very useful tips and several articles on credit card related matters. Report It

Getting a Mortgage with credit card debt?

I%26#039;m going through the same issue. My fiance filed banckruptcy. So, he can not get a mortgage for a couple more months. I have past collections on my credit from 3 years ago. My score was 630. The mortgage guy put the mortgage in my name and I got a loan for 100% financing on a $229,000 house. His name is going to be on the title, but no where on the loan. We close in two weeks. Ask the mortgage person about a Fannie Mae loan. That is who we are going through. Good Luck. It%26#039;s stressful, but exciting

Getting a Mortgage with credit card debt?

Yes there is a fannie mae program now for first time home buyers that is very very good program. You can get 100% financing with 6% seller concessions with a low rate that is fixed for 30 years and has no prepayment penalty. As long as you don%26#039;t make too much money you should qualify. If you%26#039;d like personal assistance please vistit:

Getting a Mortgage with credit card debt?

When I bought my house 10 years ago, my credit was much better than my husbands. Our Realtor pulled a credit report on both of us. What she did was have me apply for the mortgage, but had us use my husbands income. It was good for two reasons. It allowed us to get the house but it also allowed for him to obtain new debt without the house showing up on his credit report, lowering his debt ratio.

She can easily fix the delinquent accounts. Have her call the companies or collection agencies. They will help y%26#039;all to pay them off, often times at a much lower rate.

It doesn%26#039;t take long for your FICA score to go up. It%26#039;s your overall score that takes a bit of time.

Good luck!!!

Getting a Mortgage with credit card debt?

sorry you can%26#039;t but house unless you have 7000 down payment high intrest rate you will have wait till next year. pay off your past deliquency and your creditcards.first of all you need to have in closing cost. the bank won%26#039;t let you borrow nothing until you pay all you debts then won%26#039;t trust you.your credit score is low it needs to be 670. rent house is better than apt at least you will know how much you will spent when yopu ready purchase a home. trust me you won%26#039;t be approve ove nothing than you will have credit score up your credit cards.your wife wouldn%26#039;t be able because of her bankrupcy .you can if you pay all your credit cards still will have to wait 5 months after you pay your credit cards.

Getting a Mortgage with credit card debt?

Credit card debt is simply factored into your debt ratio when they determine if the house is affordable to you or not. So if the other factors are ok, meaning you have the credit score to qualify and income is good-- you will not have a problem.

However, since you are going to have about 800-1000 in min monthly credit card payments, the bank is going to limit how much you can boworrow from them. They will want to keep your debt ratio below 45%

Getting a Mortgage with credit card debt?

I have to say that your best bet at this time is probably paying down your credit debt and working to get your credit score higher.

I%26#039;m not so sure that your wife taking a loan to pay off your debt is going to make much of a difference. If she can get a much better interest rate on her personal loan than your credit card rate, that would make sense. But it really won%26#039;t help you in the long run, as you plan to buy this house together. At Quicken Loans, we never recommend shifting your debt around unless you can get a much better rate. It almost always is better to pay off your debt.

There are programs available, as other people have mentioned where only one of you is on the loan, but regulations have tightened recently and loans like that, as well as loans for less than perfect credit are harder to come by.

If you reduce your debt and pay your bills on time, your credit score will rise and you%26#039;ll get a better interest rate on your mortgage. The fact that your wife%26#039;s accounts are settled is good. Keep paying your debt and you%26#039;ll save yourself thousands of dollars in the long run with a better mortgage down the road.

Getting a Mortgage with credit card debt?

I can help. Shoot me an email to, and we%26#039;ll see what we can do!


Getting a Mortgage with credit card debt?

As long as both your credit score average over 620 combined, you will qualify for a conforming mortgage loan with a fair interest rate. I listed a site at that has free consumer information on mortgages that will be helpful to you on buying for first home.

Getting a Mortgage with credit card debt?

I have a list of some best compnies offering low interest Bad Credit loans with fast approval. Just email me with subject Bad Credit Loans at you dont

have to write anything.

Best wishes

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