When trying to pay off credit card debt is it better to focus on one card at a time or try to divide your money between all of them? Like if I have an extra $100 that I can pay on the debt should I pay all of the $100 on one card or divide it up among all my cards? Thanks for any responses!!
Credit Card Debt! How to pay off?
List your balances from lowest to highest. Some will tell you to list them by interest rates but go with balances for a quicker victory so you stay motivated.
Whatever your minimum payment is at this month, keep it there from here on out. Call this your %26quot;Set%26quot; minimum payment. Do this for each card. If you owe $80 this month, pay $80 next month and next, and so on.
Take the extra $100 you have and apply it on top of the $80 so you are now paying $180 to the lowest balance. Once that is paid off, take the $180 and apply that on top of the %26quot;set%26quot; minimum payment on the next card. Continue this until you are free.
Credit Card Debt! How to pay off?
You can visit http://www.debteraserzone.com and find very useful tips and several articles on credit card related matters. Report It
Credit Card Debt! How to pay off?
When paying off debt pay off the card with the highest finance rate. Make sure you pay the minimum due on all cards. then apply the extra to the highest APR.
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